Wednesday, April 27
> Chalet + Bestie Day.
Hello humans, im back! But i guess not much actually care about that.
Chalet was splendid, marvellous and wonderful. I really really enjoyed myself a lot. Its like the happiest day spent since year 2005 started. Many thanks to the people there who made my day great and not alone and also to ZhenJie and Delong for the invitation. I hate to feel alone and initially i thought it would be quite weird because i dont really know much humans there, but it turned out otherwise which was good. The twins are really friendly babes. Made many friends and yes, knew em even more. In other words, i saw his true colours.
Im not gonna mention names, but yes, i sorta seen through him and i felt kind of disappointed. Guys, -sigh- when can they ever prove to me that my opinion of em generally are wrong?
Leave the depressiong issues aside, Bestie day was wonderful too. Ever heard of 2 people barbecue? Well yes, Lyn and i did just that. My friends at the chalet laughed out loud when they heard about it. It wasnt really that funny what! Didnt eat a lot though, my appetite havent been too good lately.
Thanks to Huat, ive got a terribly big and disgusting looking blue-black on my left arm. He's a crazy violent boy. We were pinching, biting and struggling from the sea port all the way back to the chalet. That guy is mad! But of cos, he suffered much worst than me, just that no blue-black surfaced on him. Im gonna get my revenge! muahahaha -evil laughter-
And because of that, i became a target to get bitten, pinched and tickled. What sia! Those that did such stuffs to me are gonna get it one day! I remember who you people are. Huat! Ling! Eddie! ZhenJie!(you tried to dump me into the sea) er..who else? Cant remember anymore, but yes, im going to get my revenge!
Tired tired tired. Working at Mediacorp tomorrow. I shouldnt have agreed to work, i wanna get more rest. Working is such a chore, but because of the money, i shall just accept my fate.
Feeling kinda feverish right now, might be due to insufficient rest. Dont really feel like going to bed now though im feeling rather weary. Tomorrow gonna be a long day. After work i gotta rush down to school for dance practice and i'll go home looking like a dead zombie.
Enough rantings, this is just it. Toodles!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:21:00 pm
Sunday, April 24
> Saturday night fever.
Ive been penning my thoughts down almost daily. This will prolly be the last post before i MIA for awhile. I spent the whole noon in dreamland today, and i was slacking and packing my bag till now.
Im going to a chalet tomorrow held by ZhenJie and Delong. I think its the BSC's chalet. Yeap. Would be staying over for the first night and then i'll be going over to Shalyn's place over at the second night. I cant wait because its been a really long time since i went to a chalet and im gonna celebrate Bestie Day with Lyn by having a 2 person BBQ. Weeeee!
Yesterday night, i went down to George's Bar at Siglap, just opposite Wayne's house to celebrate his birthday. I reached there about 1am whereas the others were theere since about 10pm. By the time i got there, Wayne was already drunk like a dead corpse. The guys were quite high too. Wayne had Flaming Waterfall, Lambo, and Graveyard plus they shared about 10 jugs of beer. It was total madness. He vomited like 4 times and twice on himself. I helped to clean him up and carry him back home.
The guys commented that it was like a battle, like they are training in NS. Though his residence is just across the road, it took more than an hour to get him safely back in bed. The whole thing was amusing, Juan and I were quite busy running fore and back, opening every door in the house, finding the right keys and stuff. We had to keep at a very low volume cos everyone was asleep and it was already 2am.
You gotta be there to witness this. Its very dramatic and comical. And as everything ended, we were all so hungry, tired and smelly. Got some food at 7-11 before making our way home. David's brother gave Juan and I a lift. I slept only close to 6am. Hence, waking up at 4+pm today.
Oh yes, something funny happened while i was taking soup for my family during dinner time. Something greenish flew past me and landed on the kitchen table behind the oven. I was so shocked and afraid because i didnt know what it was and i didnt dare go close to it. I cried for mummy and she panicked too. So the both of us cried for daddy and then we realised it was a bird. We thought the bird was injured so we wanted to carry it somewhere and give it some water to drink. But when daddy's hand went close to it the bird flew out of the kitchen and landed at my balcony's window pane. Then daddy brought the container of water out to the balcony and wanted to leave it on the coffee table. Just as he was about to do so, the bird flew out of the window to i dont know where.
It sounds boring just by reading, you gotta witness it. Daddy won 4D aftermath. Just the starter prize though.
Right, nothing really interesting. I might be going out later as Juan suggested last night that we will slack at Cosy Bay tonight. So yeap, i hope my tagboard will be flooded by the time im back.
Cya humans on Wednesday. =D
sealed-with-a-kiss < 9:06:00 pm
Saturday, April 23
> Pictures pictures!
Since im so bored right now, im going to show you people and at the same time impress myself with the drastic changes ive made throughout these months and years.

This was taken right after my Olevels. Dec '03.

I look like that in April '04

Then, i re-dyed my hair a darker tone. Taken in early May '04.

When i had my hair temporary curled in May '04.

Trimmed my hair, it was much shorter than before and was taken when i enrolled into TP.
And then came the worst period of my life, i did something really cruel to my appearance when my boyfriend left me.

I DID THIS! Omg. I cant believe it. So that was how i looked like when i enter TP, June '04.

Then, i changed it into a side parting.

And also had my hair dyed black. Sept '04.

Had another hair cut to make it neater.

My stylist did this to my hair.

This was few months later when i decided to cut my hair again. My stylist did THIS to me! Jan '05 i guess.

This is the front view. Feb '05

And i went to have another hair cut. April '04

Couldnt find any other more recent picture than this. So, this is how i look like now.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 8:18:00 pm
> Wonderful Friday.
Since its 4.20am right now, im gonna say..
Happy Belated Birthday My Dear Friend Wayne! I hope u had a great time today. And yeap, im also gonna say..
Happy Birthday Sean! May you have an enjoyable time when the sun rises.
So, i had a great time today. I felt happy, so did Juan. Got up really early for dance practice in school from 12 all the way to 4 non stop. Rushed home to bathe and get changed before Wayne picks me up to town. I bought him a piece of cake and delibrately made him park at a parking slot instead of waiting for me at the waiting area because i wanna give him a surprise. Birthday song, making wish, blowing candles, eating cake then we went for dinner. I suggested Hong Kong Cafe because i had never eaten a proper meal there but there were no parking slots so we headed to Suntec to have French cuisine. But we couldnt find the restaurant so we ate at a Japanese restaurant instead. The food was not bad, i finished my entire bowl of rice! sinfulllll....
Then we head down to town to meet up with the others. Caught a movie, Coach Carter. I personally felt that the movie was splendid. It was exciting, touching, comical. 4 upon 5 stars baby. Its good.
Went for supper at the Kopitiam few streets after Plaza Singapura before we decide to head home cos all of us were feeling darn tired. Yeap, and thats basically how i spent my Friday. Pretty good i would say, though feeling really lethargic. Just had a warm bath, freshen me up a little before i fall into a deep good rest. I really would appreciate it if i dont get waken up tomorrow by anyone or anything. I need a good sleep to replenish the loss of my beauty rest for the past few days.
Might be going fishing with my mates tomorrow. wahahha. Ive never fished in my entire life, so tomorrow it will be something new for me.
And yes, im going to promote once again. Please do come for the GEM concert held in TP auditorium. 5 bucks for ticket, buy 3 get 1 free. You can get the tickets at the One Stop Centre and seal points are awarded. So come, why hesistate?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:21:00 am
Thursday, April 21
Im really really tired but im not gonna sleep till the clock strikes twelve. Its gonna be Wayne's 20th birthday in another 1 and a half hours time. So yeah, waiting for 0000hours. Been really really tired these days. Work + dance is driving me crazy. Im out most of the time and the only leisure time i have at home would be snoring away like a pig. (oh i forgot, im a bunny.) And ya, things gonna get busy the next couple of weeks too. Many things to handle.
Its quite dumb to say this, but i do miss having Derek around in Citibank roadshows and on msn. Asshole, com spoil. No one to bicker with me online but yah, guess he's busy and stress like as usual with his heavy workload. That's what a boss gotta do aye?
Will update later, when im and not to tired. laters.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 10:27:00 pm
Wednesday, April 20

Juan and myself at the top from left to right followed by lyn and ting at the bottom from left to right.

Just a little adjustments in the position.

Dont we all look very happy together? *grins

My lovelies.
This is the first picture that the 4 of us took together. Taken on Saturday when we were in town. Too lazy to brief on what exactly happened that day itself but i guess we do enjoy ourselves a lot. Missing my ladyz a hell lot.
"let bygones be bygones, memories stay and unhappiness and doubts dissipate, for fate is unpredictable and insecurities can be masked with trust."
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:15:00 am
Tuesday, April 19
> A random thought.
Ive finally sorted out my thoughts and came to a conclusion. Whether or not i will maintain that conclusion is another thing. With courtesy of Shalyn and David, who helped and talked to me about it, reminding me to face up to reality and accept that this is life, ive decided to just heck my emotions and be strong and er..mean and selfish. Yes. Thank you very much. And many thanks to David and Zhen Jie for helping me get over my emotions last night and hearing me nag and rant. If not i would have died crying on my bed. Thanks.
Right, i caught the movie Creep with Raymond this noon at Tampines Mall. Its gruesome, gross, bloody and er..pyschotic. Its my kinda movie, i enjoy this genre but i guess its not pyschotic enough. wahhaha. They should make it even more crazy. But i hate the sight of those bloody corpse and err, the mad killer was disgusting looking. I was peeping through the space of my 5 fingers covering my face. I'll rate it 3 upon 5.
We had dinner at Pizza Hut after that and then i went down to East Coast to meet up with David, Alvin, Xiao Hei and Wayne who were supposingly studying for their supplementary paper tomorrow. So, i decided not to stand in their way and headed to the beach alone. I sat there and thought a lot. I remember very clearly about a year ago, on my birthday eve, the same thing happened. I was sitting alone in front of the what seems endless sea, staring blankly into space. My mind was blank cos i was in a complete lost. My boyfriend left me on that fateful day and my mind went blank, i couldnt think at all.
There's a lot of things on my mind now which i wanna type out but im far too lazy to do so. Its all in the past anyway. Thinking back, i havent had a proper and fun filled birthday celebration for years. The best time as far as i could remember was in my Primary school days. Other than that, my birthday always clashes with the Mid Semester Examinations.
Last year, for once, i thought i would have a very memorable birthday because its the first time im going to celebrate it fruitfully with my love and my friends. But sad to say, he left me on the day before turning 17 which led to a total fiasco. This year, i too thought it would be fun because firstly, im turning 18 which is halfway through total freedom and its during the school's break. Then again, sad to say, as a SL, i'll have to be in school for orientation day which unfortunately falls on my birthday eve and birthday itself. How nice.
I wanted to book a chalet and make it a really big event, but the idea have to go and im totally clueless of what im gonna do on that pathetic Friday. I dont even have the mood to celebrate it right now. Dont ask me why, but depressing stuffs always happen when my birthday is nearing. How sad can that be? Im cursed i guess. Cursed for life.
Its about a month more so i guess i'll just sit back and relax and see what will happen next. I may not even live pass 18. Anything could happen, no?
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:33:00 am
Monday, April 18
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:00:00 am
Sunday, April 17
> Ebony is the Lim/Lin's saviour!
3 cheers for Ebony! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Ebony saved my life just a moment ago. I was sleeping really soundly like a pig (what's new right) on this very bright and sunny Sunday afternoon. Got woken by Ebony's really loud and incessant barking that seems to be really important and might be in the midst of danger. I woke up feeling really irritated and stormed out of my room to stare at her. All i smelt was terrible smells of overcooked food coming from the kitchen. No one was home and the stove wasnt switched off.
Oh my goodness gracious, the
chao tah smell was so strong i almost fainted. (no jokes boy). Cuddled Ebony back up to my room and played with her. She's my darling saviour! Ebony doesnt even bark when there are strangers. Only at times when she wanna get out of her play-pent. I love her to bits!
Dad and mum got a real bad scolding from me. Hmm, in correction, i only told them what terrible mistake they have done in a rather harsh tone. It can cause my life okay! Alright, case closed. No one found to be dead or injured. Papa Lim and Mama Lim had realised their mistakes and Daughter Lin aint gonna further probe into it. Now, to the next problem.
With evidence from the tagboard with courtesy of omg, who doesnt wanna be named, its oblivious that Xueyi, who happen to be my best friend, Nicholas's girlfriend ripped from my blog. Im not gonna look further into it because im sure she realises that i knew about it. So yes, please stop ripping from me. I hope to see a new navigation for your about me, tagboard, wish list and links. And also, stop cutting and pasting parts of my entries. Thank you very much.
Where's my human rights? My blog is my personal space. Whether or not i wanna leave it open or close, im pretty sure that ive a certain degree of privacy and copyrights. Its my blog, so it includes my ideas, my style of writing, my command and structure of language, and i dont see the reason why you're copying exactly what im writing because it doesnt belong to you. o.O
Stop privacy, support original!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:46:00 pm
Saturday, April 16
> Just another homely Friday night.
Boo! Bahh! Bammmm! Im so so so bored right now. Nobody seems to be online at the moment. Oh, i forgot. Its FRIDAY NIGHT. Right, so most of em are out in town or somewhere in this tiny island named Singapore while im stuck at a little apartment in Marine Parade trying to find something to do (which ive definately not found yet).
This entry is most probably gonna be the most dull and boring post ever. Because im just trying to past time typing whatever that comes straight to my mind.
Hmm..those in my friend list would prolly see a bulletin posted by me regarding the GEM concert, for those who didnt read about it, here it is:
A dance concert brought to you by TP Dance Ensemble (TPDE). All Full-Time TP students are eligible for SEAL Enrichment Points for attending this Arts event. This 1 hour, high impact dance concert will feature various dance genres such as HIP HOP, MODERN and STREET JAZZ dance. A combined dance item involving both Hip-Hop and Modern teams specially choreographed by both of our teams instructors will also be staged. The first all-dance concert is not to be missed!
Details of The GEM Concert:
Date : 6 May 2005 (Fri)
Time : 7.30pm (Doors open @ 7pm)
Venue : TP Audi 1, Renaissance
Tickets : $5 each (Buy 3 get 1 FREE!!)
For booking of tickets : or please come okay!! Support yours truly and other fabulous dancers. Get your tickets now! Its only 5 bucks, dont be sucha miser lahh (which of cos i know most of you are not *winks)
Work was only so-so these 2 days. My total sales only amounted to 9 applications. How bad can that be? I dont really care about the money made, its just the performance shown by the amount of applications made. Bahh. I feel so lousy!
I really really wanna go Redang and enjoy my holidays. I need to relax and chill out and the only place where i seek peace and tranquility is at the beach. Redang is my ideal choice. However, due to the recent tremours and natural disaster happening in the nearby countries, im quite afraid of travelling all the way there. It takes 12 hours of coach ride and 1 hour of ferry before reaching that heavenly place. Its all worth it, but im still afraid. And what's worst is that, though my pals didnt disapprove of going there, they didnt seem very keen either. Dont wanna force em and make them compel to my desired holiday. So, im in a great dilemma. I really really wanna go! Suntanning, snorkeling, the beautiful scenery, the fresh hair, its all so alluring. Im highly captivated.
Coming to this, it just came upon me that i havent been visiting Sentosa for weeks! I think its a fortnight already. What's happening?! Im missing out the sun and the fun. Joanna's busy with her upcoming examinations and err, Dave and company doesnt wanna be black. It feels weird to go tanning with a guy alone, my girlfriends hate the sun, my sister doesnt wanna play beach volleyball cos she's having indoor volleyball competition these days and i dont know what other excuses and reasons im gonna come up with.
Oh yes, how can i forget? MY BARBIES! They are my sentosa khakis, but all are busy with their tight schedule. Hello barbs? Please do not forget about our slumber party and sentosa outing. I wanna go shopping too! lalallaal.
And yes, Terence and Mark, when is our mahjong session? It was cancelled at the last minute on Monday and my hands are itching! Mahjong mahjong!!
What else? Ohh, Juan Ting and Lyn! GYM GYM GYM! Stop being lazy and please have normal humans sleeping order. I wanna go to the gym and tone up those fats, i wanna be
beautiful with a
hot body. wahhahaha. im kidding *grins
Quite a tight schedule im having next week. Hopefully wouldnt feel as bored as this. Have i ranted enough? Seems quite a lot heh? But im still very bored currently. What should i do? Have supper? Or go to bed? Both doesnt seem like a wise choice to me. Oh well, i'll continue rotting and staring into space, hopefully to find some people to chat with me on msn. I need to add more people in!
Sorry to bore you humans, i had no choice.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:07:00 am
Friday, April 15
> A letter for you.
I know im not important at all, and i too know that im just another girl, another friend, another passerby in your life. I know my presence isnt at all significant, and i know that you couldnt care less. The truth is hurting me, it hurt me so much i cried to sleep last night. For a second i thought you finally stopped neglecting me and showing me the cold shoulder, but i was wrong. Utterly disappointed, you were not even bothered to ask me what you've asked earlier on. If it wasnt for that impulsive act and ill-disciplined fingers, we would be drifted even further apart, to where we started, merely strangers.
Thinking back, i couldnt help but to laugh at myself. After going through so much, learning while emerging the ardous journey for 18 years of my life, its sad to realise how immature i still am towards relationship. Am i really not ready for one? Or does my heart sinks too quickly? I do not know.
Promises are meant to be broken. How true is that? Search your heart for the book of promises made, how many of em have you broke and how many have you actually fulfilled? Time and again, im waiting and anticipating for your golden mouth to ask those golden questions i wish to hear. All i got was a moment of silence.
I could still remember very vividly the way you look into my eyes and vice versa, the things that took place on that very day, the conversations exchanged, the presence of you beside me, protecting me.
I dont even know why im writing this, as i know for sure you wouldnt be reading it. And even if you do, you do not even know it is meant to be yours. Then again, its just part of my wishful thinking, you've striked me off your interest list and never erasing that horizontal mark. I wanna place you in my memory card and bury it in the sand, i wanna stop thinking of you because its making me emotional.
I kept telling myself to give others and myself a chance to start all over and anew, but i couldnt because i know that meanwhile, you're the one and only one i want. You returned me the feeling which ive lost for about a year and its such an irony that im going to continue losing it. Just what am i saying? I do not know. Im probably too incoherent, i shouldnt go on.
Love XXX.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:19:00 pm
Wednesday, April 13
I just woke up not long unwillingly. No idea why im up so early when i slept at 5am this morning. My plan was to wake up as late as possible so i dont have to rot and decompose so much in the day and hence wouldnt be feeling so depressed and bored. But looks like its not working, im still gonna rot my day away.
Will be meeting Delong for dinner later, at least aint that bored now. Working tomorrow at Citibank roadshow in Bugis. I think ive forgotten all the products description, Morris will kill me.
Yesterday evening about 7+pm, i met up with Juan, Bape and Leonard and caught a movie in town. S Diary, its comical and good. 3.5 stars im giving. Aftermath we headed to Juan's place to wait for her dad to return home so she have the car to use. Then, Juan, Ting and I went to Hong Kong Cafe for supper. I ate helluva lots.
Oh yes, dinner that night was superb. Dad bought one whole duck and i ate like a carnivore. Then, i went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get a drink and i smelt DURIANS! Dad loves me, he knows im dying to devour em. So i ate and ate and ate till my mouth and fingers were damn smelly. After which i had egg tarts! Can you imagine how much calories and fats ive inserted? My diet plan was sorta successful, it dropped by 2kg! But now, *shakes head its rising again. =(
Im still feeling as depressed as ever. No, maybe more depressed than ever. Im really trying to smile and feel happy, lightening my hearts content. Im trying my best, please do not see me as a negative person who is full of sadness.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 2:44:00 pm
Tuesday, April 12
> Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever want to run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy
But I'm not gonna be ok
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work
It was always there
You don't know what it's like
What it's like
To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked
When you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
This song lyric presents what im exactly feeling. *yawns, I just woke up from my afternoon nap. Laters.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:13:00 pm
Monday, April 11
I wanted to pig out in front of the television downstairs right now with a plate of chicken drumlets and a bottle of pepsi. But apparently, there's no nice shows on at this time. Multitasking at the moment. Eating the drumlets mummy left for me for dinner which ive forgotten to tell her i wouldnt be back early. So i guess its my responsibility to finish em off right now. (more like an excuse to cover my greed rather)
Woke up really early this morning for abseiling course at Toa Payoh. Im full of complains! Firstly, the location where we have to abseil is far too pathetic from expectations. Secondly, the trainers aint that experienced i felt and they have broken English. Thirdly, i didnt quite like the participants (dont ask me why, i just felt that ive a problem making friends). Forthly, i was feeling really really moody and tired throughout, i fell asleep again. Fifthly, the theory they went through were more on craps than facts and it made me sleep.
Met up with the usuals at Parkway aftermath. Slacked, chilled, pool and home.
Yesterday (which i meant Saturday), was Best Friends Day. It wasnt a planned day, i just came up with that because Lyn and I spent the entire Saturday together. Just the two of us. Supposingly to accompany her for her polytechnic admission check up early in the morning say 11am at Tampines. But due to unforeseen circumstances, the check up has gotta be postponed. Had lunch at KFC, a very memorable place for the two of us then we caught the flick The Wedding Date. Quite a good catch but was a rather short flick. 3 stars upon 5 i'll say. Movie ended at about 4pm. Wanted to do some cross-stitching but i cant find any nice pictures so we bought titbits and pigged out over at her place. I ate helluva lots.
Am really really moody ever since the start of the week and im still feeling down right now. I guessed my moodiness affected me too much that my period came when it just ended like 2 weeks ago. HELLO? IT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE THE TIME OF THE MONTH YET. Oops, why am i even talking about this in here? Well, i just wanted to emphasize how crestfallen im feeling currenly and i dont even know what the reason is. This is really bad, i need psychiatric help.
Im going over to my confider (look, i know its confidante but i spelt it this way on purpose), Terence's place tomorrow for a little mahjong session with Mark and i dont know who else. Boy oh boy, Terence stays in Yishun and im meeting Mark at Ang Mo Kio tomorrow at 1.30pm! I wish im able to wake up on time. Realised that i do not have much cash on hand and daddy havent give me my allowance yet. So i hope i'll win some money tomorrow to cover up for that lousy $45 loss.
Am really busy munching on those juicy drumlets, keyboard is getting a little oily now. LOL. Bye!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:27:00 am
Saturday, April 9
> Blogger hung on me =(
I hate it when i typed a whole load of stuffs in here this noon at about 5.30pm and blogger hung on me till now. Right, so i gotta rant again, how nice.
Lets get straight to the point. Camp was good. I made a number of friends, but whether or not i remember their faces and names is another thing because im damn lousy in remembering faces. It happens most of the time. I had a lot of fun and also a lot of moodiness (dont ask me why), i perspired quite a lot, walked quite a distance, was really stinky and smelly throughout the days, i danced quite a lot, shouted and cheered quite a lot, played quite a lot of games (both gross and tiring), i didnt eat a lot because i controlled my diet, but apparently my weight havent gone down since i last measured (the day before camp). Basically, i did a lot of things but there's one thing i swore i didnt do enough. I DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH BEAUTY SLEEP AND REST!
I was so tired i slept while waiting for the final clash to commence. And i seriously meant slept because i started dreaming despite the noise and heat. How bad can that be? My head was dozing and dropping, i was so keen on sleeping that i slept on James' shoulder when he offered. I didnt give a second thought because i was really tired, if not i wouldnt accept the offer. (you people should know what kinda girl i am yes?)
My group NIOBE was the champion group. Hip Hip Hooray! And Tat, is really spastic.
As i was saying this evening, tonight is TP's D&D which i didnt attend. Jeffrey invited me there at the eleventh hour. Somehow, i cant help but miss Gmethss Prom Night. It was helluva fun especially when you see everyone dressing up, whether or not it was underdressed or overdressed. All the hairdo and thick make-up, you cant imagine how much money some people actually spent on those stuffs.

Just in case you people cant spot me, im in blue with the very ah-lian hair colour in curls. Quite a change heh? Im truly amazed by how people can change in such a short time. Be it to the positive or the negative. And im very upset and disappointed to what some so called "friends" of mine have changed too.
Lets not get off the tangent shall we? Hmm, currenly feeling very depressed and moody (but whats new anyway?) a little sleepy but unwilling to get onto bed. Totally clueless why im having insomnia every night. And oh, havent i told you? Ive got this durian crave for several weeks! Oh boy, i really wanna indulge in those yummy yet quite smelly yellowish fleshy thingy. (what sial?!)
Anyway, ive got back my semester results. Was really happy when i first received em, but after knowing how well my other friends scored, i was quite low and demoralised. Well anyway, here goes:
Organisational Behaviour - Z (THIS MEANT AN DISTINCTION! Weeeeeeeeeee)
Financial Accounting 2 - B+
Microeconomics - A
Managing Business System - B
Given my very bored and unhappy mood right now, my entry will only dampen and not seek any of you human's attention. No? Let's call it a day. Good night.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 12:21:00 am
Tuesday, April 5
> Just a random thought, about you.
Its 4am and im still not asleep despite the fact that ive to get up really early tomorrow morning to report in school for SL camp. Currently feeling a little moody but he made my
day night a little better, more at ease and comfortable. Its been a really really long time since we had a proper conversation and i couldnt help it but my thoughts lingered and roamed around, back to the days when we were so close, almost being together.
Neither of us got attached ever since that big argument which both of us ran away instead of solving it rationally. I cant deny the fact that i miss him because he was far too important to me at that point of time. So near yet so far, i remembered his friend teasing us with this phrase before the volleyball match started. Yes indeed, we were so near yet so far. All the memories flowing back, the memories which i said i'll leave them in my blog and not think about anymore.
We started talking a little about the past. The time when he were over at my house, then i remembered the exact scenerio of the both of us cooking in the kitchen. Followed by him irritating me while i was trying to sleep. Then, the sentosa trip and back to the time when we first went out together. Drinking and puking and everything else, it was him that brought me back to life, making me face reality that one failed relationship is the door of another. He made me fall in love again, but ironically, he made me realised and strengthen my views about guys, the negative ones.
I dont know why the sudden thought of writing about us, i just felt like it. I felt like crying outta sudden because i feel very useless. Why cant i let the past go completely and just walk away without having any memories? Its making me very hard to move on, especially whenever i mov on, it leads to no where but more and more setbacks and disappointments. I realised its been a really long long time since i share mutual love with my second half. I cant deny, but i do miss the feeling of loving somebody, and of cos to be loved in return by the same person.
I was talking to Isaac the other day about this. I told him i am not looking for a boyfriend, and i do not need one. All i needed is someone for me to show cares and concerns, for me to love, for me to feel sensitive over and someone for me to think of.
Oh boy, i just received an sms from him. Back to the olden days. Dont wanna think so much, like what Eileen says, do not find love, let it find you.
Goodnight my friends, i'll be back on the 7th.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:05:00 am
Sunday, April 3
Originally uploaded by Xuanny. Hmm.where should i start? Lets talk about now. Its currently 11.15pm and im feeling really really bored because i stayed home the whole of today which is the first day ever since the holidays started im at home throughout. I did nothing but watched tv and eat all day long. And its definately not right because my diet plan is not successful yet.
Yesterday was Saturday. Met up with the Gmethss people at Coasta Sands East Coast to celebrate Zhaoting's 18th birthday. Happy birthday girlie. Left the place at about 11 odd pm with the guys (Dave, Desmond, Darrel, Isaac, Rasydin, Ash, Jaydeep etc etc about 10 of em). Wanted to go get a drink and chill at Cabana but they had no money so yeah, Dave and Ras walked me home. Now the both of you (Dave and Ras), stop complaining. It wasnt such a long walk okay!
Friday i hit town with the usuals. Went to school for dance practice first. Goodness gracious i will say. Had to pair up with Bruce but i guess it should be fine. -.-" Yup people, the performance will be on the 6th of May in TP Auditorium. Come come. You need tickets but its free, interested? Give me a ring.
As i was saying, i got home and prepared and waited for Wayne to pick me up before sending her sister to tuition then down to town. On our way there Wayne played an April fool joke on me and i fell for it. How dumb. But i was his lucky star because he managed to get a parking slot in less than 5 seconds and hence had to treat me to dinner. hoho.
Anyway, after the usual hanging around town and taking picture (as you can see on the right its me, Lijuan, Meiting and her boyfriend Raymond), we caught a movie, 3 Iron. Please please please go watch it. And then tell me how you feel. hehe =)
Right, so on Thursday, i woke up early in the morning say 10am and headed to Kevin's place for a game of mahjong with Kenny and Brandon as well. Job well done, i lost a grand total of $45 altogether. How sad! argh. But i will not give up, i will win them back!!
Does that sum up everything? I guess so. Time check, 11.25pm! Omigosh, its still so freaking early and ive got nothing to do at all.
Ive finished watching Dou Yu Part 2 Volume 1 yesterday and i cant wait to catch Volume 2. Part 1 is so much nicer. This is the one and only serial movie ive been catching and tearing really out loud for. Please go catch it if you have not. Damn good looking guys and gorgeous girl.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 11:27:00 pm
Saturday, April 2
> I hate myself and the people around me.
Im feeling really terrible. Im in great pain, okay not me, but my heart is and im feeling damn unfair, unjust, biased? Its not really describable but after reading some stuffs, i feel like screaming, shouting, crying.
No its not any relationship problem. Fame? Status? No, its more than that. Its my pride, my air. I dont feel good and i feel very very lousy. Come on Derek, you know its not just inferiority.
I dont know how im going to further describe this tension within me and im not going to make myself clear in this shit blog where everyone gets to view and comment and think whatever they wish to think about me, how i behave, how i look, how i dress and how i speak. Negative comments or not it doesnt really matter anymore and positive comments are merely lies i bet.
I dont understand why some people are included when they are not supposed to. Right, maybe its just me. My retarded look and low class behaviour, round size and stucked up character.
I cant help it but to rant on and on cos its not the first time i receive such shit and unfair treatments (although not in the same aspect) but its bringing my confidence level down and shit happens. You wont wanna know what will happen to me when its down to zero. I believe i will behave like a lunatic when i already need some counsellings and psychology help from experts.
To hell with the world and people living in it (and of cos this applies to me as well), i hate the way life is. I really really wanna stop breathing cos i cant take it. People say i often add unnecessary stress upon myself and when it accumulates and pile, one fine day i'll definately lose control and break down.
I believe im strong and i can handle it, i believe i can face it and i too believe that its all a facade. I AM NOT THAT STRONG, fuck it. IM NOT. THERE ARE TIMES WHEN IM WEAK AND I NEED TO BREAK DOWN AND CRY IT OUT, WHEN I NEED SOMEONE JUST THERE TO HEAR ME CRY. Im not as strong as you think i am, cos deep inside i know im just as vulnerable as any other females.
Fuck it. Life is unfair and i will never ever change my mindset for that. Never again.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:10:00 am